Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
May 11, 2021
New strategies are being developed so that reforestation is closer to how natural forests evolve.
Green Building 360 Degrees
April 26, 2021
There is a movement in Green Building which is taking a 360 degree look at the the entire building process. LEED is still the gold standard for Green Building, and Channel Lumber has worked closely with LEED over the years, and seeks to support the most sustainable products and practices.
The ABCs of VOCs
April 14, 2021
Channel Lumber is a leader in Green Building, and using safe and sustainable products. We support the use of safe and sustainable products in all aspects of development and construction.
Channel Lumber Custom Shop
February 26, 2021
Channel Lumber specializes in custom shop orders. Our staff and mill workers are the best in the business and we are prepared to meet any of your custom order needs.
Net Zero Part II: A Closer Look.
February 15, 2021
A net zero building is a residential or commercial building whose energy needs can be reduced greatly, and matched or exceeded by the functioning of the building itself.