
Passive Home Building

July 11, 2022

Home under construction

Passive Homes

For decades, Channel Lumber has been involved and an industry leader in sustainable building. Channel Lumber is integrally involved with the FSC® and LEED. FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is a non-profit that promotes responsible forest management globally. LEED is a point based system whereby builders can measure the sustainability in each process of the building cycle. The goal of LEED is that from blue print to breaking dirt and beyond, the building satisfies the LEED standard. Buildings are awarded different levels of LEED certification such as Gold or Platinum. 

Passive homes are the latest trend in sustainable building, and set the highest standard for conserving energy, and using eco-friendly building materials. Like LEED, passive homes can also receive a certification. In the United States, the PHIUS (Passive House Institute United States) has specific criteria the house building must adhere to in order to be certified. 

Among the primary components of passive house building are energy efficiency, carbon footprint, ventilation/airtightness, heating, water recycling, building materials, solar power, etc. 

Although a passive home may cost on average from 10-20% more than conventional building, experts agree that the cost is well worth it long term. There are passive homes being built that reduce energy bills by up to 90% annually. A 1,900 square foot home built in Canada only costs $200/mo to heat. Homeowners can save a lot of money, and do good for the planet with passive building.

Channel Lumber us on the cutting edge of sustainable building. For more information, please contact us directly. 

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