
How You Can Help the Amazon Rainforest

September 4, 2019

Support the Rain Forest

As many of you know, the Amazon forest is experiencing devastating, massive fires. Thus far over 80,000 fires have been detected. The smoke can be seen from space. 

So why do you need to care? Although the Amazon Rainforest produces about 6% of Earth’s oxygen, the threat posed by the fires has much more to do with the destruction of ecosystems and animal species, as well as refuge for indigenous people whose lives are inextricably interwoven with the forest. The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most carbon rich and bio-diverse landscapes on the planet, and this in and of itself is reason to oppose deforestation.

Channel Lumber is committed to Green Building and works closely with the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). The FSC is a global nonprofit created to promote responsible forest management world wide. 

In response to the fires in the Amazon, we have compiled a list of resources where you can offer direct help. 

You can donate directly to the following organizations:

You can also get involved by contacting your local officials, and by signing this Greenpeace petition. 

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