
Net Zero Energy Library in Half Moon Bay

January 30, 2018

Half Moon Bay is building a new 22,000 square foot library with Channel Lumber providing products and services throughout all phases of construction. The library will be a Net Zero Energy (NZE) Building, with LEED® Silver or better certification. The project is in partnership with BHM Construction.

Side of building

A look at the siding as it is placed In addition to a book depository, the new facility will focus on multi-use areas for meetings, events, and internet

A view of the second story, which will be enclosed in glass

construction site

The unfinished walls for both stories with be finished with glass.The contemporary design will feature teen literacy facilities, a children's learning area, an atrium and rooftop deck.

side of building

The wood siding is nearly complete.

two buildings

A new perceptive of the grounds

building construction

Close up of one of the facilities nearing completion.

Channel Lumber is proud to support this new library and its commitment to achieving the highest Green Building standards both during constructions and as a functioning facility. Please contact us for more information on our services and products. Photo Credit: Channel Lumber

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