
Channel Lumber: The Invisible Leader

January 21, 2015

The United States Green Building Council LEED program has transformed the built environment on a global level. From its inception, the LEED program has only recognized the Forest Stewardship Council’s® certified forestry program for the material resources credit (MRc-7). The reason LEED only recognizes Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is because FSC sets and maintains the highest standards for the environmental protections, while allowing the harvesting of forest products.

FSC LEED Certified Wood - Channel Lumber


In addition, the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) addresses the social and economic responsibilities impacted by logging these same forests. The FSC is a global non-profit, headquartered in Bonn, Germany with regional offices worldwide. The program is administered by accredited 3rd party companies that conduct yearly audits and ensure compliance by all parties in the “chain of custody” program that tracks wood and paper products from forest to end user. Channel Lumber Co. has adapted to the growing demand for certified wood products and over the past 9 years has built the largest retail inventory of FSC certified lumber and plywood on the ground anywhere in the U.S.!  Channel Lumber has been supplying the increasing LEED projects state and US wide it has done so quietly….. too quietly! Often, while presenting the reasons for using FSC wood products to many California based architectural firms, it has become apparent “word had not gotten out” that FSC products were on the ground, ready for immediate delivery.  I was encountering many firms with projects that were being delayed or had given up trying to source FSC Certified wood for their LEED project--even projects right here in the Bay Area! Channel Lumber has launched our new website to help architects and project managers as well as concerned project owners source and build with FSC Certified wood products. The good news is that your search and wait is over. In addition to Channel Lumber’s vast inventory of FSC certified products, we can also mill these products to almost any specification. Channel Lumber also has a knowledgeable staff that can assist with submittals for the MRc-7, MRc-5 and EQ4.4 credits in the LEED program. For more information on inventory please visit our FSC products page.

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